Servicio de traducción

Traducción de documentos

Documents & Manuals
1 worde

Key Language Services will translate your document(s) and delivery it in a digital and editable format.

Traducción Certificada

Certificados & Diplomas
Inglés <> Español
certificado de 1 página

Key Language Services traducirá los documentos, los sellará con el sello de la empresa y un número de referencia adecuado,
y código QR, y los devolverá con un certificado físico y digital (Certificado de Exactitud) que confirme que han sido traducidos por un traductor calificado y certificado, que creemos que son traducciones "verdaderas" y precisas y finalmente, con sello y firma del traductor, y que acredite a nuestros miembros con un cuerpo de traductores profesionales.

1.- Una certificación con sello y firma de traductor/empresa traductora redactada en inglés/español (IDIOMA DESTINO), y la traducción irá impresa en la parte posterior de dicha certificación y hojas adjuntas con número de certificación, sello y firma del traductor. Se adjuntará una copia de la versión en el idioma origen de los documentos.

El precio normal es de $21.00 USD por un documento de una página.

  • Usted recibirá
  • Una vez que realice su Orden, envíe su(s) archivo(s) a, e incluya el número de orden Nota

Certificates & Diplomas
1-page Certificate

Key Language Services will translate the document(s), stamp it with our company stamp and an appropriate reference number and QR code, and return it with a physical/digital certificate only which confirms that they have been translated by a qualified translator that we believe it to be accurate and a ‘true translation and finally attesting to our membership with a professional translation body.

You will receive

1.- A certification with the stamp and signature of the translator / translator company written in English/Spanish (Target Language), and the translation will be printed from the back of said certification and attached sheets with the certification number, stamp and signature of the translator. A copy of the original documents will be attached.

Normal price is $21.00 USD for a one-page document.

-Once you place the Order, send your file(s) to, and include the Order Number.


Certificates & Diplomas
1-page Certificate

Key Language Services will translate the document(s), stamp it with our company stamp and an appropriate reference number and return it with a physical/digital certificate only which confirms that they have been translated by a qualified translator that we believe it to be accurate and a ‘true’ translation and finally attesting to our membership with a professional translation body.

You will receive
1.- A certification with the stamp and signature of the translator / translator company written in the target language, and the translation will be printed from the back of said certification and attached sheets with the certification number, stamp and signature of the translator. A copy of the original documents will be attached.

-Once you place the Order, send your file(s) to